Monday, October 17, 2011

116 - more doodles

yet another collection of the doodles i've been doing. pretty much the same two characters, and then some fanart. i'm not lying when i say that pretty much all i do is draw.

Friday, October 14, 2011

115 - typography

i got some new fonts today and decided to play with them. these are lyrics from the song "baby we'll be fine" by the national, and i think my wonderful friend megan might be getting a simplified version of this tattooed on her sometime, as i would like to as well.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

114 - shameless self promotion

i now have an artist page on facebook and a print shop at society6

stop by and give me a like!

also, if there are any prints that you would like to see up for sale, feel free to drop me a line.